Those of you who attended the EGM
back in May may recall that a number of changes were made to the structure of
the club’s management, in order to improve the running of both on- and
off-field matters. The aims were
to provide whoever runs the team selection and tactics with better back-up, to
avoid isolating the Captain; and to reduce the ‘workload’ of the General
In the months that followed, two
things happened accordingly: the club voted for a Captain and Vice-Captains;
and I delegated a number of my tasks as General Manager to a couple of other
With all those changes now in
place, there is now a group of EIGHT club members running the club. The rest
of the club’s members should be aware that all 8 of the management team stand
together, united on all aspects of how the club is run. As stated in the club’s
ethos: we respect those who give up their
time to manage the club. Decisions made by those people can be questioned if
someone disagrees with a decision. But this should be done in person and never
between the hours of 7-10pm on Thursdays. And in the end the fact that they
give up their time to run the club for us makes their decisions final.
To ensure that everyone knows
exactly who is doing what, here is a guide to the roles and details of which
members currently occupy each position (NB these will be amended as and when any changes to personnel or job descriptions occur):
Name: Greg Rainey
Role: Ultimately responsible for
team selection and tactics. Liaises
with the Vice-Captains re: all aspects of on-pitch affairs. Oversees the communication with members
each week in order to determine who is attending on match night. Ensures that all members abide by the
club’s ethos and code of conduct.
Updates the squad list on the NEXT EVENT section of the club’s
blog. Keeps track of the rota of
players missing matches due to excess numbers.
Names: Lee Clifford, Tremayne
Role: Supports, assists and
liaises with the Team Captain in every aspect of his role, in particular in
encouraging all players to ‘play for the team’.
Name: Stuart Dade
Role: Supports, assists and
liaises with all the other members of the management team. Plays a leading part in communicating
club matters to the membership. Looks after the club’s income and outgoings and presents an annual finance report
at the AGM. Ensures that a
referee officiates each match. ‘Edits’ the club’s blog. Liaises with all members re: any new kit requirements and place orders accordingly with the club’s kit supplier. Maintains the club’s records of results and statistics.
Name: Andrew Dade
Role: To take minutes at all club
meetings and distribute those minutes to all members within two weeks of a
meeting. To organise any club
votes (except for awards votes).
To maintain a comprehensive database of contact info for members and
associate members, past and present.
Name: Simon Mesner
Role: To ensure there is
opposition for every match night, ideally ensuring that the club doesn’t play
the same team too frequently. To arrange cup ties where necessary. To update the FORTHCOMING EVENTS section
of the club’s blog accordingly. To liaise with opposition teams to ensure they
have all relevant info.
Name: Phill Arnold
Role: To liaise with our venues
to ensure that we have a pitch for each match night. To be a point of contact for the venues in the event of the
venues cancelling a booking for any reason. To liaise with the General Manager and Social Secretary re: which
nights we don’t need a pitch booked.
Name: Simon Mesner
Role: To organise at least four social
events in a calendar year, usually including a Summer Social and the
end-of-year awards dinner. To oversee
the voting for the annual awards and liaise with the Club Secretary and General
Manager re: any trophies, awards, engraving etc that is required.
Name: Andrew Dade
Role: To be the club’s figurehead
at all appropriate times.
NB: the management team are also
listed in a section on the right-hand side of the blog.
Up the Accies!
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