*If your name is Stuart Dade, that is. This chart shows the goals-per-outfield games ratios for anyone who's played 5 or more times for the Accies. (Top of the actual chart is John Lizou, who scored 5 goals in 1 match - actually in half a match, but I digress…) The reason these figures have never been available before is I had to discount the 282 (so far) goalkeeping appearances, which skew the scoring stats of Dave Rudd, Phil Caldwell and Neill Robertshaw to name but three. For example, Dave's games-per-goal without taking into consideration his 29 matches as keeper would be 7.782609, but factor those in and the stat changes to 6.52173913. Still awake? The chart obviously takes no consideration of minutes on the pitch or, say, time spent stuck at Centre Back rather than as Striker.

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