Tuesday 21 September 2010

Little Joe: Over Before It Really Began

Just a quick note to let you all know that "Little" Joe Bowkett has regretfully decided to leave the club. His work have declared that he will work late most Thursdays, meaning he feels he's wasting our time by trying to continue with the Accies. I am going to offer him the opportunity to keep paying £2 a month to keep his membership going on the off-chance that he can start playing again at some point in the future; or simply join the ranks of the Associate Members, meaning he would have reapply for membership in the future.

I'm sure you'll all agree that it's a shame to lose Joe as he seems a top lad and was a pretty useful young player too. On the other hand, with both this year's triallists, Joe and Dean, not working out for different reasons, it does mean that our currently high squad number has been curtailed a little. Both Joe and Dean were excellent additions to the squad, but on reflection I'm not sure we needed two extra players in 2010 as much as we have needed newbies in previous years. Time will tell.

Over and out.

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