Friday, 24 September 2010
Moonlighting again, Steve?

Attempt to raise spirits
Not being around ever week, it's not easy for me to judge the mood of the team, or whats going on,so you can appreciate that the news of team mates arguing, abuse to opposition and to each other, and a team refusing to play us anymore comes as quite a shock to me!
However, lets put all the negativity behind us now, and build on last night. After a slow start, we really dominated, looked to keep the ball on the floor, and, with a number of players not playing in their preferred position, didn't look disjointed at all. (Sam, absolute class!)
I want to make special comments about Barry and Perre. Barry was asked to come off, as per Thorny's pre match warning, had a bit of a grumble on the sidelines, but responded in exactly the way I think Thorney wanted. That second half performance from Bazza was superb. Perre also had the dissappointment of not starting, and came on to do a job at right back without a word of protest.Playing up front in the second half, he looked sharp, linked up well with Baz, Simon, Bobby in such a way we actually looked better WITHOUT Dean on the pitch!! Again, I think it was a performance that Thorney was looking for, especially the cut back for Bobby's goal,well played.
So let's carry on with that, I know we all get wound up, especially if we're not playing well, but surely after 10 years we are used to not playing well all the time by now! I love coming down, and can't envisage a time when it will feel like a chore, we rebuilt our bridges with the Dutch, maybe we can get Southside back onside too?
Last night's game… a win for the club
The response last night to the previous week's poor performance, and our run of recent poor results, was terrific. We thoroughly deserved our 4-2 win against a team with whom we have had many close-fought matches. For the first time in a while it is therefore a pleasure to highlight some of our better performances, although, to be honest, there wasn't a player last night who didn't make a significant, positive contribution to the game. Firstly, it wouldn't be right not to mention Dean, who on his return to the Accies, bagged a hat-trick. His goals were well taken and his link up play and overall contribution were superb. Luis, playing his first 90 minutes in a while, was excellent and, even in the last few minutes, looked full of running. Sam, who has the misfortune of being accomplished in so many positions and hence gets used freely about the pitch, provided the defensive security and assuredness of touch that gave us the platform to play more expansively further up the pitch. And finally Barry, who after a first-half indiscretion, came back on and showed real character when others might have gone into their shells and sulked, playing with genuine intelligence and comittment. In general it was great to see the Accies spirit flourishing again, particularly in the second half, when some of the football was really fluent, penetrative and enjoyable to watch.
A quick word for next week and beyond. We have lots of players coming back for our next game, so let's hope we can carry this type of performance on all the way to the end of the year. For one reason or another I think we have been underachieving as a club for a while. It would be great to have a run where we set that record straight. If so I'm sure we will have many more nights at least as good, if not better, than last tonight. Oh and one final thought, please take the time to not only read but think carefully about the 'open' letter Stuart handed out at the end of the game. With the news that Phil's team, Southside, don't want to play us any more, we all need to think carefully about the type of image the club generates if we are to continue to enjoy our football. It's worth remembering there is a world of difference between people who play sport and those who are sportsmen. Lets hope that everybody who pulls on an Accies shirt in the future falls into the latter category.
Up the Accies.
Quick Statattack
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Last Week's Game… To Talk Or Not To Talk
Posting on behalf of Thorny:
I'm sure everyone was disappointed with last week's result. As i pointed out after the game it was not for lack of effort. As always it was tremendous all over the pitch. We had innumerable chances in the first half, that on another night would put the game out of sight. We also gave away two more cheap goals, which hopefully, very soon, we will stop doing. As we all know defending begins at the top end of the pitch so, frustrating as it is, we are all culpable when calamity strikes. Things are not all doom and gloom though, as i feel sure that very soon we are going to put in a string of decent performances which will get the results they deserve. There was one general area that i think we keep letting ourselves down on, and at the risk of getting boring and repeating myself, i think i need to to comment upon again. Quiet simply there is too much talking when we should be silent and not enough when we need to speak. If we can get this issue right we will become a transformed team.
The most important time to speak is when one of our players has the ball and is under pressure, or very soon will be. Then we need to move into space, tell the player which direction the pressure is coming from and call for the ball. We also need to talk when an opposition player is free in a dangerous area and one of our players can pick him up. Simply call him by alerting him to the direction of the danger, quickly and calmly. This is very straightforward stuff but it was noticeable last week that once the game became tight we fell silent in this respect. It is also appropriate to talk if one of our players makes a mistake. We then need to give him a brief word of encouragement, as, to be successful, we all need to support each other.
The times when we shouldn't be speaking are if we want to in any way abuse the opposition. Far too much of this goes on and it needs to stop. Not only does it make us look like a team of very unsporting players, but it has the effect of unfocusing the team from the only reason we should be there: to play football! If you have a problem with an opposition player let the referee deal with it and save your energy for helping the Accies win the game. Another time when its not appropriate to talk is if one of our players makes a mistake or you disagree with a decision, either with regards to the referee, or myself, or whoever else is making substitutions, tactical decision etc. Again there was way too much mumbling and grumbling during last week's game. It really isnt helpful in any respect. Whatever happens on the pitch we need to stay together as a team, support each other and strive to do our very best. If there are issues that you have with the referee mention it to me at half time or after the game and we will try to address it. If its an issue you have with me then im more than happy to discuss it with you after the game. I welcome everybody's input so long as it's constructive.
All of this being said, none of the above is directed at anybody in particularly. To be honest we all made mistakes last week, and will no doubt continue to do so. The trick is to do so in an atmosphere where we are all pulling together. We have players with ability in all areas of the pitch to be really successful, success, of course being fundamentally judged not just in terms of winning games (though that would be nice!), but in having a happy club with everybody contributing.
Anyway, let's try to put last week behind us tomorrow and really make an effort to change the way we talk or don't talk on the pitch.
Up the Accies.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Little Joe: Over Before It Really Began
Friday, 17 September 2010
MI Cup Draw
The Accies are drawn with Southside FC and MRC Ewell in the group stages of the MI cup.
There are 6 groups - 6 group winners plus 2 best runners up go through to the QF's in the new year.
In the past 12 months Effra have played MRC Ewell 3 times - 1xwin, 1xdraw and 1x defeat.
All to play for in a wide open group.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
This week's match is now a CUP TIE…
Just a brief note to let people know that tomorrow night's game with Southside - Phil's work team - is now an official game in the MI Cup. Therefore selection will not follow the usual 'form, fitness etc' mantra, but will be a little more focused on winning the game. The squad will also only be 14 in number, and substitutes will not be made as freely as normal, but with the aim of winning the game. Ideally we will be 4-0 up after 20 minutes and we will all get plenty of football.
Up the Accies.
MI Cup draw
Monday, 13 September 2010
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Big Dean is our hero
Friday, 10 September 2010
Saturday, 4 September 2010
2nd Sept vs. MRC Ewell
We did very well at keeping the ball down and keeping the passes short. (With myself as an exception on the short passes. I know,I'm working on it)
One thing though.... THROW INS!!!!
We should give the thrower TWO options every throw in. When we play teams that pick up on the fact 90% of our throws go to Thorny's or Sam's head, they make it very hard for it to work. Neither Thorny, nor Sam play on the wings, so if a striker is beyond them, the winger should be covering Thorny or Sam's position, as they come out of it to deliver the flick on header. By covering their position, not only is the player covering now another option for the thrower, they are also one more defender should the throw not go to plan.
Sorry my report is so late.