Tuesday 31 March 2009


My ears pricked up this morning while listening to a podcast (this one, if you're interested) when I heard what I thought was someone mentioning someone who shares a name with Accies no 17, Robert "Bobby" Rauchenberg.  Sadly it turns out they were actually talking about Robert Rauschenberg, but still, worth one minute of my day to fling up a random blog post!  Anyone else know of any Accies stars who share a "famous" namesake-except-for-one-letter-of-the-alphabet? No? Oh.


StuartD said...

In retrospect it might not have been that podcast, it might have been something else, possibly a comedy panel show called The Unbelievable Truth. But as the Blog is as inactive as a man compiling a list of recent Accies victories, I don't suppose it matters much...

Anonymous said...

This is the Rauchenberg bed. http://cmontagne.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/bed-1955-combine-painting.jpg

StuartD said...

It's a bit like the Tracy Emin bed, really, isn't it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, without the dirty thongs.